Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Ok, just so everyone knows, now I have 2 dogs.

2 really, really, really big dogs.

St. Bernards.

They're still squabbling slightly tho!!!!

As I've promised, here are the pics of my darling dogs.

I feel that Sergeant (Not Sargeant, my bad) is taller and bigger than me if we were to compare from top to bottom.

They are so cute!

Look at how Rosie is so laid back and sitting there waiting for me to pamper her!

Things I've learnt about Sergeant in these past 2 days:

1. He pees where ever he likes.
2. He poops where ever he likes too (damnit!)
3. He used to be an inhouse dog. Hence he keeps standing at the grill, staring into the house.
4. He is greedy. Very greedy.
5. He knows "sit" "paw" and "bang!", then he lies on the floor when you tell him bang!
6. He lives for treats.
7. He cries when he gets chained.
8. He doesn't know how to drink water properly.

See how he dips his whole head in.
He doesn't even know how to drink from a hose!

These moments make me feel so proud of Rosie that even though she drools so much, she is house trained, and only poops at designated areas.

9. He loves jumping into pools, then cries cos he can't get out.
10. He doesn't know how to get down the stairs. But getting up he knows.

God bless us that the dogs don't break anything in the house!

CT and his bestest friend in the whole wide world, Rosie :)


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