Thursday, January 15, 2009

Slipper Walkathon

Because my lovely forgetful maid forgot to pack in my sport shoes for dad to bring to pick me up after work, I ended up walking the whole Sultan's Garden in my Dad's big flip flops.

The flip flop even smells of my St. Bernard, Rosie. It was yuckus maximus. And my neon pink toe nail polish was so luminous having electric blue oversized flipflops as a background litting.

Anyhoos, so I walked the whole garden for like almost an hour, panting and sweating like a little pig, I met Tuan Vernon Ong.

Yes, he's a High Court Judge. And he's the loveliest one around. GEEEEEEEEEEz. I think my soul left me for a second when I saw his face. I have heard rumours of him having a jog around the gardens. And the best part is that he recognises me (hey, it's not hard to recognise and lovely fluffy chinese girl in court these days, even though I'm hardly there, moreso, I don't have the locus to appear in front of him). There was once I attended the Judges Dinner something something, and he was there, and upon going home, he slowed down his car to wave goodbye at me. And to top it off, I was present before him during my short call. Ah, the best of all lucks. So I just plugged out my earphones, bowed a little and called him Tuan (and smiled shyly), he too smiled back at me, and we both went opposite directions.

Stop screaming at me for being dumb and not stoppping to have a little chit chat with him! Put yourselfs in my shoe, you'd be shitting your pants. But he's so lovely. He really is. He is so gentle you know.... He's very soft spoken, very kind with his words, some thing you would not expect from a High Court Judge. He's extremely humble too. Ah, too bad he's in his 40s-50s. Plus lawyers-to-be and judges aren't allowed to be affliated. But if I'm not in the legal field, I should be fine? Plus I don't go to court much. Heee.

So yesterday's Japanese buffet was amazing, I stayed away from raw fish and rice as usual. So I had the steam egg, octopus, tempuras etc etc. My god, I think I nearly hurled from excessive eating. But I had to eat my RM50's worth ok? My bonus and pay was very hard to come by. You think I just sit in the office and hoohhaaa all day and get paid!? I work my ass off you know!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!? MONEY HARD TO EARN LAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh.

For people like me, I highly recommend you to marry some really rich guy, get knocked up and go crying to his mama, and then get married, and you're settled for life. Then stop at one kid, because having too many kids will ruin your life. You can't get to travel or go shopping during afternoons etc etc or have tea with your other rich tai tai friends. AH the easy way out in life :D But then I'm not blessed with the right stuff to get these rich people. So I'm left with gritting my teeth and slogging things through. Fuck.

For more ways to marry a rich man/woman, you go here.

Oh well! Back to work you monkeys!


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