Sunday, January 18, 2009

A little Thank You.

Ah, I know you'll never check my blog unless I hold a gun to your head and tell you to do so, so I'm posting a blog about you today. But I won't tell you about it, you'll just have to be very bored and go online and browse through whatever (by whatever I mean porn sites), until you get bored and suddenly remember about my blog. Then, SURPRISE! You are not forgotten by me!

Ok. Here goes.

Thank you for being my best friend.

Thank you for being there whenever I'm crying till mucus pops out of my nose. It is nice to know someone will always be there telling you to tell the world to fuck off when they put you down.

Thank you for telling me that the no one is worth my tears.

Thank you for telling me the cold hard facts about life, and what it really is.

Thank you for treating me more like family than my own.

Thank you for being my minority investor whenever I am dealing with financial crisis. If not for you, I'll be eating dustbunnies all the time.

Thank you for showing me that unrequited feelings still exist in this era. Thank you for showing me that all is not lost as long as you're willing to work at it.

Thank you for being by me whenever I have been sick. Thank you for showing me your tears of concern.

Thank you for convincing me that tomorrow will be a better day.

Thank you for also telling me that if your head isn't that big, don't wear such a big hat.

Thank you for teaching me to mind my own business, lest I get into trouble.

Thank you for being the truest friend anyone can have.

Thank you for showing me, despite what a mess of a wreckage I am, that you still care, and that no one should love me for who I should be.

Thank you for understanding me. Whenever I need my sleep, I need my sleep.

Thank you for walking in when the whole world walked out.

I am sorry for screaming at you most of the time. I swear its the PMS that is doing it.

I am sorry for being a royal bitch. I am sorry that you have to bear with it.

I am sorry that I do not meet you as much. I do not meet with other people as well. I am newly anti-social.

I am sorry that I nag at you all the time. Almost all my close friends get it. Unless they're really far away.

I am sorry that I haven't been really kind to you. In fact I have been evil most of the time.

I am sorry I haven't been the kind of best friend back to you. I am so selfish *slaps self*

I hope you understand (and is fully well aware now) that I'm a selfish little tart who is extremely spoilt and want things done her way. I am sorry that you have to give in all that time. There are no words to explain how glad I am that you're there in my darkest days.

Thank you.

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