However, I have my reasons:
a) she doesnt not drool like a mofo.
b) she does not stink.
c) she does not scratch or bite or destroy anything destroyable.
d) she does not have hyper-active qualities.
e) she does not snore.
f) she belongs to me!
So every now and then as a treat, I'll bring Winky into my room and enjoy the aircon.
Winky found a favourite place to sleep on. Someone's gift to me that I left underneath the bed.
Winky pretendingto be asleep while I disturb her.
She watches me do my nails! Such a darling :)
Winky enjoying her cold room.
so when I came home from Singapore last night, Mum told me a peculiar story.
She said that my maid was in my room cleaning when she heard a bell jingling. So she was searching high and low for this sound when she found Winky underneath my bed! It is so funny how Winky could have gone through the living room, up the stairs and INTO MY ROOM!
Her skiills for recognising her way (home) is amazing. And she's only slept in my room twice!
It makes me go soft and mushy inside that Winky likes my room.
So today I bought loads of lovely noms/treats for my goggies, especially Winky!
She has to be home trained and potty trained, however I suspect she holds it all in when she sleeps in my room.
Aw :)
Oh, btw, Winky is anemic, so the pet shop owner told me to buy chicken liver and cook it for Winky to eat. It helps in replenishing the blood!
Good pointer. Shall do that soon.
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