We went to Amsterdam and (unfortunately not smoke lots of pot) had lots of decent fun.
We also decided to be itchy arses and get our bellies pierced - for 50Euros.
Wtf, we knew it was very expensive, but we wanted to be rebellious and wanted to remember Amsterdam by.
So we searched for the LEAST dodgy piercing shops of them out - and the one that looked the cleanest.
But they brought us downstairs to their dungeon of piercings. It freaked the shit out of us that we had to follow a stranger into claustrophobicly small stairwells into operating rooms. Sort of a scene out of that movie where backpackers were killed in that funny country. GEez. I really have to start remembering things.
So it turned out that it was a woman and not some crazy burly huge man that was going to do our piercings for us. It'd be really unfortunately if he decided to chop us up instead of doing what he was paid to.
I let Christine go first. Man, she was one woman that couldnt take pain. She was like being in labour. And she nearly crushed my fingers by grabbing them so hard.
I was slightly freaked out to be honest. But when it got to my turn, I thought, what the heck, I've already paid the money. Might as well get the best of it.
Then I got disinfected. Yes, I am very tubby. This is my lovely tummy (which is very very very very much bigger now).
Then she grabbed a piece of my flab and poked a what looks like a lollipop stick through my flab. It didn't hurt really. So she let it rest there.
This is her fitting the belly ring into the lollipop stick and then pulling the stick out hence pulling the ring into the hole.
See, thats how the ring gets in to your flabs.
She then locks the ring with a small stopper, prevents the ring from falling out.
Us and our belly piercings.
It unfortunately got ripped out by someone's nipple ring in Summer 2006.
Then it got infected, then keloids grew, but now its deflated and left a beautiful scar to remind me of wet cold Amsterdam!
is it painful and how long till it heal?
LOOKS GREAT! Now I need to go get one. Thanks a lot ;)
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