Friday, April 10, 2009

Tsunami No.2 ?

You know a little bird recently told me, that she heard from another little bird, that there has been a prediction that Tsunami will strike again on July 22nd 2009.

Well. Enclosed is a photo to support that statement.

No one can prove the extent of the credibility of the prediction, but you know, its better to be safe than sorry.

And oh, there will also be a sun eclipse on that particular day too.

2 natural phenomenons happening on the same day! What a bargain, RIGHT? HAH.

Anyways, it is said that Malaysia, Singapore, Phillipines, Australia, Maldives, Mauritius, Indonesia, India and Sri Lanka would be badly hit (oh as usual, really poor 3rd world countries must be rid of poverty one way or another right, God? (if you actually meant this to happen?) except you Australia - you are way cool.)

So anyone who decides to go to the beach that day, PLEASE STAY AWAY.

In fact, stay away for a whole month. You can't be sure of the particular date, but you know, an estimation of the month is good enough.

So if you really love and treasure your family and yourself, FFS, stay away.

That is all.

I have done my part of spreading the word!

Be safe!


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