Friday, April 24, 2009

Self Brazilian Wax

When I was in the UK, brazilian waxes were extremely popular, however they were expensive to go to all the time.

It is of course of utmost importance that a woman keeps her foo foo clean and tidy and of course the brazilian wax was the best option. It is clean, safe and quick.

As compared to shaving, you are less prone to knicks and cuts which hurts a shit load (trust me) and home brazilian waxes means you don't have someone else looking at your foo foo, and plus they are much neater than having the fear of shaving too close incase you shave off your whole clit (yes I've heard of that horror story), plus it grows back much smoother than shaving (I once scratched off my whole genital area because of new hair growing out).

Ok. Waxing isn't the best feeling on earth trust me. Especially having to wax down there. I thought I was being a hero to save big bucks by doing it. But really, I did save big bucks, and also scared alll my housemates (who were unfortunately males) to death by me screaming every time I pulled off the wax cloth.

In the end, my pretty panties were stained with blood spots from the follicles that were pulled off. It was hilarious when my nextdoor roomate, Shean said he thought I was dying in the room in the middle of the night (yes, I was bored).

All in all, I had a really clean foo foo for about a month and I had no complains (from anyone). It's not nice right, like you go shopping with your girl friends and you go into changing rooms to change together just to find the horror of horrors that your besties pubic hair is stealthily peeking out of her lacey panties. FUCK ME! (Not that I've ever encountered this before *rolls eyes*).

It's good especially if you're with someone and we all know guys have a thing for clean foo foos as badly influenced by porn.

So this is how you give yourself a home brazilian wax.

The first step would be to make a long warm shower washing and cleaning your pubic area.
Then, trim down your pubic hair with scissors or with a shaver till it will have a length of a quarter inch.

Use a hard wax (A low temperature one) for a less painful process. Smooth the wax with a pre-waxing oil before applying it over your hair. This oil keeps it from sticking to the skin, and allows the wax to be used without strips, making for a much more comfortable experience. As the wax cools, it basically shrink-wraps each hair and pulls it out from the root.
You may remove some stubborn hair with a set of tweezers.

Use a big mirror and move into any position you think will be more comfortable to put your legs up, on the sides or even over your head. If you feel the pain is unbearable stop until you feel you are ready to go on. The trick is once you pull the strips off, immediately place your hands on the area affected as the heat/cold from your hand will lessen the pain.

Once you are finished with the waxing process and you are happy with your brazilian bikini wax, you should apply a soothing lotion on your bikini area.

So have fun, but if you're having too much pains, then I do recommend that you shave. But be extra careful please!!!!




Unknown said...

I shall try one day. But I'd probably be too chicken to do it myself. LOL. I'll probably have the strips stuck to my foo foo for the rest of my life. :P

Lenna said...

gaaawd! what a horrible experience you had there! but atleast you dont have to deal with the awkwardness towards the esthetician! i've also tried a DIY brazilian bikini wax and i love it.