Friday, November 28, 2008

Look what Vodka has done?


Vodka, some of the best times you'll never remember.

Drinking, of course has its side effects.
And Absolut Vodka has taken all its efforts to make sure that the message gets out to the alcoholics that Vodka/Alcohol, has negative effects once consumed excessively.

eg. a night of binge drinking.


You get into an accident with another car because of Alcohol.

Or, you thought you saw more Alcohol coming your way,
and hence you crashed into the tree.


Excessive consumption of Alcohol will lead to sexual dysfunction.

Painful fact isn't it?


You go to a bar, you drown yourself with Vodka/Alcohol.

Then you went home with what you thought was someone HOT.

Then you did some of these.

Ooooh. You likey?

Then in the morning you realised the HOTTIE you brought home was actually this.


So, drink just enough Alcohol to keep you sane in the morning.


1 comment:

Nadya said...

I m a Vodka girl and this post might be for me,really..hehe