Friday, November 28, 2008

7 Deadly Sins

7 Deadly Sins

The Proper Version

The 7 deadly sins have been classified as cardinal sins, used to instruct the followers of Christianity concerning fallen men's tendency to sin.


Gluttony has been described as the over-indulgence and over consumption of ANYTHING to the point of waste.

In some Christian religions, it has been considered a sin to have an excessive desire for food.


Wrath or anger may be described as an uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger.
Anger/hatred leads to revenge.

You know where I'm going, right?


Also described by the Christian religion as excessive desire and wanting for me.

Many would think of shrewd ways of procuring more of what they have desired.

Like Uncle Scrooge.
Stingy bastard.


Ducky's mine now!

Like greed, envy may be characterized by an insatiable desire; they differ, however, for two main reasons. First, greed is largely associated with material goods, whereas envy may apply more generally. Second, those who commit the sin of envy resent that another person has something they perceive themselves as lacking, and wish the other person to be deprived of it.



Lazy Bum, Couch Potato, Procrastinator, Sleepy Head, Can't be arsed,
"ah yahhhhhhhhhhhhhh later lah",
etc. etc.

Need I say more?


Pride and Vanity comes hand in hand.

In almost every list pride ( or vanity) is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and indeed the ultimate source from which the others arise. It is identified as a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to give compliments to others though they may be deserving of them, and excessive love of self.

No Vodka, you do not need a skirt.


The final and most familiar of all.

Lustis usually thought of as involving obsessive or excessive thoughts or desires of a sexual nature. Giving in to lusts can lead to sexual or sociological compulsions and/or transgressions including (but obviously not limited to) sexual addiction, adultery, bestiality, rape, and incest.

Now I've sung you a song, I'm gonna have to sleep with you.

Right, looking at all these cardinal sins, I can savely say that I am going to Hell.

Gluttony, check.
Anger, check.
Sloth, check.
Vanity, check.
Lust, check, check.

Wow, 5/7. THAT'S about as much as an average person can get.
Oh well, God Please have mercy on my soul!!

Now if anyone is curious, I have my own list of 7 Deadly Sins too!

Ok, I hath no followers I know. But its' my blog and I'm gonna write as I wish!


Thou shalt not be stupid.

Stupidity is the baseline for all emotions of anger, hatred and everything negative.

Thou can be silly, not stupid.

Thou shalt not Gossip

Unless to your boyfriend.
Guys, never gossip to your girlfriends.
They are terrible secret keepers.

Gossip has scientifically proven to ruin EVERYONE'S lives.

So quit it.

Thou shalt not reject a sale/shopping spree.

Retail therapy helps our wretched soul.

You know you want to.

You have to shop.
You MUST shop.

Thou shalt not be late.

Punctuality is important for everyone.

No one loves waiting around right?

So don't be late. It's always better to be early.

Leaves a better impression, and you won't have your face kicked in.

Thou shalt not be cruel to animals.

Breaks your heart doesn't it?

If it doesn't make your break your heart,
you don't have to commit all these cardinal sins to go to Hell.
You have R.S.V.P already.

Thou shalt not sing badly.

If you can't sing, STOP HOGGING THE DAMN MIC.

We might have to charge you for damaging our eardrums.

Thou shalt not be a bad driver.

Nothing arises anger more than a bad driver.

Enough said.

Commit any of MY cardinal sins, while being with me, the person will be destroyed.


Haha, the best part of stupidity.

Sorry babe, I couldn't resist it.

I just had to destroy you.

Still love you tho ;)


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