Monday, November 24, 2008


Like a mortgage, like a car, like your credit card, like your pet hamster/cat/fish/dog, this blog will inevitably end up as a commitment.

But no....... I will not succumb to any commitment whatsoever, at least not for now.
I tend to have short attention spans for things I should really care about. Either I max out my credit card, or I end up forsaking this blog.

Please don't hate me.
I love writing, but I love bumming around more! :P

Right, this blog would not include anything incriminating to my own precious self - unless I'm half drunk while blogging, which happens most of the time.

Some may call me an alcoholic, but I call it a damn good time! (Hence, proof of the beer gut which I'm hakmiliking to now!)

Blogging at work, I'm really productive aren't I? Leaving aside the letters I have to type to just write this and try to prove to myself this time that I can commit to a blog.

Yes, I can do it.

Or can I?
(quoting Shean's expressions)

I am truly amazed at how Fran can do this, and yet make all her blogs so entertaining and pretty.
Betul lah shifu ku.

Ok la kids, have to work now.


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