Sunday, March 21, 2010

This is bro and me at the beach.

My bro is an army man and yes I know I look like an idiot. But this is all justified when you guys know that I am trying to stay out of the sun, sand and the sandflies. They itch like a motherfucker ok! But still have to go to the beach cos its a family outing


My bro is 2% Businessman, 3% cleaner, 20% Annoying, 30% lazy and 45% navy man! HEHEHEHEHE.

Then I told my mother, " WALAO, this pic I look like tourist OBASAN (aunty) with the hat, white blouse, sportshoes bla bla whole ensemble".

Then she misheard and said, " ya. like O-bak chang (rice dumpling)."



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