Wednesday, March 17, 2010


My belief defies all sense and logic. I strongly believe in FATE. Do you?

Fate is a funny thing.

I believe everything that happens, happens because of fate.
You meet someone, it is fate.
You become friends, also fated.

Everything happens for a reason. Fate.

The jam that you were stuck in this morning. Happens for a reason. Delays you from something. Impending car accident, robbery, getting that last doughnut. Something. Always for an unexplanable reason that you should be at a particular place at a particular time, or with a particular someone.

I believe that having a baby requires fate as well. Some couples try very hard, and they don't get a baby. You can blame it on infertility. I blame it on fate (well technically not blame), but I'd believe that fate got to do something with it. I know fate is an intangible subject to be discussed on, but hey, I'm chinese, believing in fate isnt that weird after all once you know that we eat monkey brains, fungied worms and other funky shit.

Sometimes people make mistakes. People abort their babies when they were young and afraid. Perhaps that was her only child that lifetime. OK. Maybe she didn't abort it, maybe she had an unknowing miscarriage. All these happens because of fate. Your baby wasn't fated to be with you this lifetime.

Just like how I was conceived. My mother was 37. She had 3 other miscarriages before me. She and dad only copulated twice that month. Then she had her period. Her period then miraculously stopped on the same day. Days later she started nauseating bla bla yada yada. BAM! She was pregnant. The doctors said I was clinging for dear life at the end of the womb. Fate. I was an impending miscarriage, but I fucking held on for dear life! FUCK YEAH! See, that is how I believe it was fate that brought me to this world to torture everyone else.

If you're a Christian. you can think of it this way : God has a plan for everybody. Everything happens for a reason. Same theory as fate. An unknown force that controls all actions and reactions of this universe.

Hence, I believe meeting someone is fate. I believe in owing someone gratitude in the past life. I believe in people owing me gratitude in their past life. Therefore me doing things for people, or people doing things for me , directly or indirectly.

My aunt used to tell me and the rest of her sisters. Everything boils down to fate. This life time we may be together. But next lifetime, even if you were standing in front of me, if we weren't meant to be sisters anymore, you'd never know that it was me standing in front of you. This always brings a tear to my eye whenever I thought of her golden words. That is to treasure the people you have this life, because once you've passed on, you'll never know them again. THAT is unless of course, you don't believe in reincarnation, rebirth, karma, past life bla bla bla.

Unfortunately, I believe strongly in that. I believe never to do things that you don't want others to do unto you. Sometimes it may not get you. It may get your loved ones, your spouse, your family, or worse, your children. I believe in karma. One can never be too good. But one can be too evil. And that is when you suffer. I get guilty conscious whenever I say something bad about anyone when I am utterly pissed off or upset. Then I'd slap myself and tell myself not to do it. Cos I know how it feels when someone says something about me. But I just can't help it. It's human nature.

I always want to help homeless animals. But mum always tells me, " you cant save the world". And to which I will always reply, "at least this one's world will be much better with my help". She is right. I can't save everyone (including animals). But at least the animals which i've helped would have benefited from it.

I believe in meeting that someone to spend the rest of your life with. Not so much of the commercialized happily ever after, love at first sight fiasco. More like someone who is the exact opposite of you. Ying and Yang. Some one who completes what you lack. I strongly believe in that. I believe that you can love many people in your lifetime, but that special one is the one who is the missing piece to your jigsaw puzzle. No, this is not romantic shit! It's true. I've met several men in my life, and they always have something missing. Yeah I understand that no one is perfect. You can't ever find mr. perfect, but you can always find that mr. perfect for you. Remember that. I used to think that I'd never find someone again. But hey, I was wrong. And I was glad that I was wrong (for the first time!).

I wonder what would happen to the children who send their parents off to old folks homes. Do their lifes really improve once chucking the people who brought you up to old folks homes? Yes, I know they are pee incontinent, annoying and outrageously smelly. But when you were young, you peed and pooped everywhere, destroyed everything in the house, spent all their money and ruined their sleep. You do not see them chucking you into the orphanage right? I don't understand really?????? I only blame the spouses of the children who either talked them into doing it or didn't stop them from committing this sin. Indeed it is one of the saddest sights ever, seeing old people sitting alone, lost in life and without their chilren by their side. And when they're old, and when THEY get chucked into the home, they would have immensely regretted what they've done to their parents.

Fate. Life. Destiny.

Everything happens for a reason.


meatbag said...

Sooon. very very wise words.

Olivia Jo said...

laffffffff yew xxx hows you sooon???

Olivia Jo said...

laffffffff yew xxx hows you sooon???