Monday, July 13, 2009

My little girls :)

Ok, so everyone knows I have a new Fila puppy, Ting Ting, which would *hopefully* soon grow into a dog bigger and more ferocious than our darling dainty Rose is.

I haven actually given everyone a proper introduction on my lovely girls.

Here goes.


She is a 40 year old (dog years, mind you) virgin St Bernard who's never had a childhood.
She grew up in our home being the youngest of the family with no other puppies to play with.
So now she's reliving her childhood (just like late MJ) and playing with our little Ting Ting.
She loves wet wipes on her face and her dewlap and paws every now and then.

She gets excited when you bring out a comb or a towel; She likes being cleaned.
She has long lashes which many perceive to be falsies planted on her.

Loves showers but hates getting her head wet.

Doesn't understand any other instructions besides
"mum mum (eat)"
"sit" (sometimes she ignores this)
"come" (only when food is offered)
"paw" (usually gives the same paw over and over again)

I am sure she fully understand what we say, she's only selective obeying.

I'm sure her poop is bigger than her arse orafice.

And it doesn't stink - that bad.

She drools uncotrollably.
Love naps and people pampering her.

Loves corn.

Has really huge ticks on her.

Makes friends with the rodents (aka rats) that live in my garden.

Has 2 sidekick magpies that she loves chasing.
Hates it when people take her food. That's the only time she'll snap.

She is terribly afraid of cats. She runs away when cats hiss at her.

Thats all I can think of now.


Ting Ting

She is a rapidly growing dog who will chew at anything and everything.
Has very sharp and long fangs and is annoying.

Name is derived from the little doggy bell that makes the 'ting ting' sound whenever she runs. We were too lazy and dumb to think of a proper name for her.

She was adopted from the dog farm with terrible skin disease.


Yawns uncontrollably and suspected of possible narcolepsy.

Has really big paws for a dog her size. Bellys too big for the head. Heads too small.

Gets really rough when playing tug-of-war.

Gets annoyed when she cant bite you when you slap her, so she barks at you.

Loves taking naps in peoples laps ie sleeps on you.

Enjoys a little SM when people bite her cheeks - hard.
Screams bloody murder when you leave the space for a bit - not even to the kitchen!

That's all I can observe of her now :)

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