Sunday, July 12, 2009


I know it is unforgivable that I have been MIA for so long. But see, I can't blog when I'm at work. And I can't blog because the dumb internet was down ! See? I'm totally excused! (It's not as if anyone has missed me, you know!).

This past month of non-updating has seriously been fun. I have been on a sabbathical for now, the second week. And I'm enjoying. I get to sleep till now, and wait for the internet to be fixed to come online!

I know there are tons of things I should prolly put on here, but most ugly than not, so I will spare the world of the insanity but just to inform that I'm still not dead.

And I'm on a crazy diet. Which drives me nuts with not carbs.


I know, I've gained weight. But this diet is looking a little too drastic!

And I'm not losing weight. SO WHAT DO YOU KNOW!? HAHAHAHA.

Ok. Time to go search for food. x

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