Monday, October 4, 2010

There are no words to describe how mad I am now.

My secretary, or rather, she prefers to be the boss of me, removed the ceiling headboards when she heard kittens meowing.

She told the contractor to come and remove the kittens, but was only able to grab one and threw it out of the office onto the roads. God bless the kittens soul.

The rest of the kittens unfortunately fell through a hole in the partition, and is stuck in the wall partitions and cant get out. The level is too high for anyone to get down and the hole is too small. The whole office wreaks of cat poo and the cat hasn't ate or drank anything in 2 days. I suspect they are dying already and one may be dead as the smell of poo is really strong.

I tried for 3 hours to get the kittens out but what did you do? You just sat there and yakked and yakked on the phone. fucking hell.

FUCKING BITCH. Doesn't even want to call the contractor and I had to call the contractor myself. And he was reluctant to come.

FUCKING BITCH. Its all your fault. You fucking murderer. Who told you to be a smart alec and remove the ceiling boards?

I hope you burn in hell while you watch me try to rescue the kittens and you yakking on the phone with your friends. I hope you burn in hell.

You deserve to be dead for all the things you've done, instead of the innocent kittens.

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