Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I has a stalker.


fuck me dead. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

I am officially terrified of going to work. There is a mentally deranged man working 2 doors away who waits for me at my office door every morning.

He asks for my number everytime I walk past his shop to go to lunch (that is the only way to go to lunch), and he doesnt take no for an answer! So everytime he asks I will have to say, next time next time, hee hee ha ha, (then quickly walk back to my office).

Has he not seen my boyfriend? Has he not seen my brothers. Has he not seen the several other guys that pick me up (platonic relationships I swear)? WHY DOES HE STILL BOTHER ME??

He leers at me with his beady eyes and waits at the gate and watches me walk up the stairs upskirt la of course. When I'm wearing jeans he doesn't bother looking up. But then I guess thats all men. Subtlety is a different matter.

Usually I'm the first one to arrive (I don't really liek to be late) so I'll have to open the doors. Today, I had to wait for someone to arrive to walk up with me. I was in the car, terrified. Mum was terrified too. She told me that he tried making small talk with her before, and he was also trying to look down her top! FUCKING BASTARD.

I can't really report to police can I, hes working a few doors away and he just stands around and leers and oozes that eerie feeling that he's a psychopath in the making. He's not really intruding my personal space, just that I feel so uncomfortable. And my heart pounds (not in the good way) when he is near. I am terrified that he will rape and kill me, or the other way round. FUCK ME DEAD literally.

What does he want? You may ask.

This is what he wants (probably) :

my number.

a few meals.

happily ever after?????

rape/murder/sadistic stuff/ bdsm/ etc etc etc.



Damn you F cup breasts. Damn you to hell. Now I'm really going to die because of you.

someone told me should be happy lor, got market leh, people still want you.
KANINABU. WHY WOULD I BE HAPPY A MENTALLY DERANGED GUY WHO IS 40 AND PROBABLY SLEPT WITH A MILLION HOOKERS WANT ME? [if you say I look like hooker, I swear I will kill you and shove your guts into your mouth and pull it out through your ass].

Very happy meh? Someone like this likes you. I feel damn degraded lor. NIASENG.

Hai. God bress me preasee.

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